Sep 23, 2011

Zzz Monster

It never gives up. It creeps up to me when I least expect. And it never fails to cast its spell on me.

I have been fighting the monster for years now. A dreadful war that has no end in sight. When I was at my old company, I had the reliant of a saviour known as Nespresso. Sadly she is no longer on my desk any more and I battle alone.

There was a nice I gave in to its enduring spell. I would nap away comfortably at my desk. Ignoring the stares of the peers, bosses and big bosses. I must have look like I put in lots of hard work and deserve a quick shuteye.

Alas I am no longer in that safe zone. Sleeping openly is a declaration that I have not enough to do. That I hated what I am doing. That my boss simply bored me in the meetings.

So now, I have to fight the fight. To keep this madness Zzzz monster away. It aint going to be easy. Matchstick on my eyelids, burning eyedrops are helping me out. But there got to be a better way.

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