Oct 28, 2011

Pet tracking idea

This all happen relatively quick. Got a fren who is into a biz that provides vehicle tracking services. I remarked to him that he has a brilliant product and there is plenty of opportunities he could explore.

And then he enticed me.

He asked if I wanted to go over to help him out. He is in need of people to help him grow his biz and is relented to trust just about any one.

Honestly I am flattered and strongly tempted. The idea of being in a small startup and the ability to help it grow, greatly entices me.

Sadly I told him that I could not afford to do so. I am pegged down with commitments and would need the dough. He understood where I was coming from and we kept our friendship professional.

When an idea pops up, I would share with him about the possibility of using his tracking services in this new area. He would give me an opinion if it is feasible or not. Recently I came up with the idea of Pet tracking and shared with him immediately.

What I din know was that he has already ventured into that field. The only problem was, this was carried out in another country and not SG. He asked if I was keen on it. If so, I could be his reseller. All I would need is to register a legal biz entity and signed with him a reseller deal. I would price the product with a mark up and proceed to sell it in my own capacity. I am fairly excited and have been considering it since.

I aint keen to just jump straight into it. I need to see if there is market potential for this. What I do know is that my risk would be small. The startup capital would be affordable and I just need to the energy and time to market this (online stores and such).

I guess I would make my decision shortly. If its worth a shot, I should be waiting for the cows to come home.

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