Jun 1, 2006

Left Behind

While watching an old episode of the simpsons. I laughed at a silly movie Homer saw called "Left Below". Its about people disappearing (cos they all went to heaven) while those who remains were sinner. I came to realise that the simpsons writer were making fun of a true movie.

Rayford Steele is an airline pilot whose relationship with his wife has gone sour; she responds by devoting more of her time and energy to the church, while he ponders having an affair with an attractive flight attendant, Hattie Durham. In the midst of a flight to London, a number of their passengers mysteriously disappear, and chaos takes hold as a number of vehicles on the ground and in the air are suddenly unmanned. Meanwhile, Buck Williams, a television journalist, is pondering the rash of sudden disappearances as he works on a report about Dr. Chaim Rosenzweig, an Israeli scientist who has devised a formula that would make any soil on earth easy to cultivate. However, Buck wonders if there's more to Rosenzweig than he first imagined when he discovers the doctor is in cahoots with two multi-millionaires who plan to broker the invention to promote their own agenda of international domination.

Opps I just learned its based on a real book too

PS. I think the Simpsons version is funnier

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