Sep 12, 2006

Itchy toes

Due to the weather.... and perhaps some other factor, my toes have started to itch again. I had this problem since I was a kid and it never quite go away.

The worst part is that the skin will start to tear and crack all over. A disturbing sight which is sure to put you off dinner. This is largely why I go shoeless and walked around my cubicle in my socks. (Note to my colleagues: Please stop staring at my socks)

Years ago, I recall that the itchy toes were at their worst. I was about to make a trip to Australia to began my pilot course. The thought of wearing the rock hard boots made me dread it. I knew I simply could not scratch it even if I want to. Yet strangely 2 days after I arrived, the itch stopped and I forgotten about it. Amazingly within a week my skin heal itself and I had nice pinkish toes again. I guess its probably due to the cold and dry weather there.

Anyhow, I am quite irriated by the state of my toes. Probably should see a doctor soon.

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