Jan 21, 2007

Lovers of Teruel

The story of the Lovers of Teruel [wiki] (Los Amantes de Teruel) goes like any other great love stories:

… Diego Marcilla had returned with great riches and with the intent of marrying Isabel. Diego had not counted the day in which he petitioned Isabel’s father whereas the Seguras had. Diego ran to the feet of Isabel and pleaded with her to marry him. Isabel refused, for it was impossible; she had already wed. Then Diego pleaded for just one kiss so that at least he could go on in the world, and this request Isabel refused. Upon hearing this Diego could not bear the separation between himself and his love, and with a sigh he died on the feet of his beloved Isabel. The next day, during the funeral for Diego Marcilla, Isabel showed up dressed in her wedding dress. She proceeded to walk to the front of the church and place a kiss on the man whom she had refused but in doing so Isabel died, falling prostrate on the body of the man whom she loved.

The cool thing is that the remains of Diego and Isabel were exhumed and reburied in two new tombs sculpted by Juan de Ávalos in shape of the two lovers holding hands!

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