Jan 15, 2007

New Specs

Had always thought that my astigmatism was rather high. At night, I would always squnit my eyes when bright lights approaches. Its unbearable to me. Yet if you throw me in a dark forest with no torchlights (other than the stars) I could easily walk my way out of it. Perhaps I am just nocturnal.

So I visited a optician for the first time in 7 years. Its been such a long time for me . When I made my last specs, I discovered that 3 years of sleeping throughout eye-straining lectures in Poly had gave me back perfect vision. I recall paying $300 then for specs which were 0(L) and 25(R) deg. Waste of monies.

Anyway... when I had choosen my pair, the optician ask me to sit down on the scope and remove my contacts. I smiled and said I had none. He proced with the examination and reveal that my vision has changed. Its now 25(L) and 0(R). Ok that is pretty weird to me too.

Next he measured my astig. Both eyes were about 50 deg only. A far cry from a high astig of 200 which is consider bad. My itoshii looked at me and asked if I still wanted to get it. The optician then cut in and suggest that I should since everyone is affected by light differently.

Anyhow, I paid $300 for it. I console myself by saying that it makes me a safer driver at least.

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