Dec 25, 2009

Christmas reflections

Its after all my 30th Christmas.
30 years have went by and things are different at each year.

Growing up, I looked forward to the tons of Christmas gifts that my parents and relatives have gotten me. Its a time of expectation and joy for me. A time where worries are no more than getting thru the examinations and the hopefully passing my Chinese.

Years later, I became less incline to receive but to give. Went about shopping and hunting to look for the gifts that would made someone happy. I guess the smiles that I get back, is worth more than the cash that was spent.

Looking back, this festive season always is a important period for me. I used to love to join my brothers Scouts and sister Guides in songs of carol and spreading the love to the less fortunate. A time I cherish dearly and looking back never fails to be a little sadness to my heart.

The wonderful period spent in my teens has led me to find great and closed friends with Eejean, Shups!, Inky and so on. You guys are the bestest and I hope to remain close with you guys for eons to come.

As I close of this post, I would dearly hope to once more come together to bring the joy and cheers to the everyone all around.

Smile. and you be sure someone would smile back at you

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