Jan 28, 2005

battery dead and blame game

It was a surprise. Well not quite though. BLM left the battery to run yesterday so that he can drain off all the juice for a good new recharge. However he has forgotten to mention it to TSM and thus cos him panic when he flip the switch and nothing works. Naturally he blame himself.....

Well there is this theory which we thought of. From the many seasons of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette, there is a notable trend. When things goes wrong in the bachelor.... the girls would blame themselves for not opening up, for not able to accept him for yadyadaya.... Whereas in the bachelorette, when things goes wrong, the guys end up blaming the bachlorette saying things like, how could she not see this in me? how could she not know that i am the one....

the moral of this story is that when things goes wrong, the girls blame themselves and the guys blame them. :P

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