Apr 10, 2006

Coffee press me

While I was in France, I enjoyed their european style coffee. Its pretty different from the fare back home. And when I say back home I mean either those 70 cent kopitiam offers or the $5 equivalent at starbucks.

In France, I enjoyed fresh coffee which are pressed with hot steam into a small cup. You merely add a little sugar if you want it to be less bitter and the sensation of a small hot cup of coffee is fabulous. The only trouble with this is that its quite troublesome to prepare a small cup at home.

If you have one of these giant espresso machines, they cost a bomb and are silly to clean up after making 2-3 cups.

You could get one of those cool Nespresso machine whereby the coffee comes back into a little capsule and all you have to do is drop the capsule into a machine and push start. (www.nespresso.com)

or you could do it the manual way, for alot cheaper

ahhh coffee. its keep you running even if you dont want to

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