Jul 29, 2007

Sailing movies watchlist

Once again, I been thrown to sail the open seas.

And though I brought lots of movies, too many events onboard occur that prevents me to finish the whole list.

Anyway here are my reviews

Garden State was written and directed by Zach and I must say its a pretty good attempt. I have yet to catch the other movies with him in it, but this is a refreshing start from his goofy doctor stint. In this movie he play a emotionless man who slowly opens up after his mom funeral. Natalie Portman was a charm to watch and you cant help but wish you are dating her.

Next I tried catching Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless mind. I probably shouldnt have done so straight after Garden state. Cos its another arthouse flair and my brain needed a break. Which is probably why I stopped midway and started a marathon of Futurama. Anyway, this is a story about a man who erase his memory of his failed relationship only to meet her again. Its quite painful to watch, but i knew i would complete it.

After I reached shore, I made it home and caught Deja Vu. A much needed action movie I could use. The sci-fi portion makes little scene, but its fun to see things go boom. I wont review the plot here, cos its would spoil your fun.

And lastly, unrelated to sailing. I spend saturday catching the Simpsons Movie. As Homer would "kindly" put it why are we idiots paying for a movie when we can get it for free at home. Still, I never see so much laughter crammed into 90 mins. Never enjoy so much fun for a while now.

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