Oct 29, 2007

new desk

I did the impossible.
I spend the last 2 weeks clearing my desk and cubicle.

Before all this, my desk is a mess. I even wrote a silly poem about it.

This is the left side of my desk. Where the endless swimming of my babies keep me occupied and take my stress away. Just a note, whenever I am not around my ever helpful colleagues will help to feed them. So at times, they will eat like 5 meals a day.

Just somewhere behind them, I have pasted some corkboard on the wall to allow me to pin important stuffs. It helps me look busy too.

This is the right side. I have moved my compact desktop to the floor, bought a KVM switch and link my laptop to this LCD as well. With a simple tap of the scroll key, I can switch between 2 comps. The best part is that it allows me to keep all my internet/msn/emails on the LCD while I work on the lappie. Nice.

And behind my 2 computers, I paste a white board. I had wanted to use it for me to write reminder, but decided that i would leave it there for anyone who wants to leave me a note. cool right.

And this is what they look like from above.

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