Oct 8, 2004

long walk

Both my makers decided to let me run around again today.

BLM installed some werid metal onto my muscles.
He called them heatsinks.
they are supposed to keep my muscles (L293D) cool while i worked out.

and walk they let me did.
I walked for a bizzare 17 mins, the longest I ever did.

Grandmaster Jim who was around saw and commented that his small ugly prototype did better than me. hmrphs!!!
he said they can walk faster and are more agile.
I would like him to know that I am so much bigger than his puny toys.

Anyway BLM defended me and kept my pride.
aint he lovely.

On my last round walking, I twisted my leg real bad.
so bad, that I think one of my makers have to go and get new replacement parts again.

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