Nov 10, 2005

Depressing nicks

I think when I said this, many of you would have agreed with me.

There are way too many depressing nicks on MSN these days. Just this morning as I looked upon my contact list, I saw 2 that literally shows a cry for help.

First a fren of mine who still pursuing his studies in a local uni. His countless change of nicks only further reflect his issues. For the past few months, I have been seeing "There must be a place in the world for me", "bury me at the bottom of the sea", "i must learned to stop crying".

The nicks goes on and on. Starting my day with a bitter taste on my tongue. I dread to see another depressing change of nick from him.

Why cant everyone gets a normal nick. Better yet a funny one like Inky does, or at least go for a neutral kind.

I aint blaming him/her/anyone for being depress and wanting to cry out for help. I am just ick that when someone is depress online, how can I stay happy.

Please get good nicks everyone

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