Apr 26, 2007

has it been that long?

Cant believe how time flies. and boy is there lots to update.

Firstly the good news.

- my fish breeding experiment was a success. Heard from my colleagues (yes they are all Godparents wannabe now) that 3 little ones spawn from the eggs. What happen was, weeks early I separated the only male from the 6 remaining female. After 3 nights of no female contact, I placed the most fertile babe into his private bachelor pad. It must have been a long while for them cos just a day later, I have to remove them from the bachelor pad and convert it to a nursing home for several eggs were spotted.

- I finally bought my own raquet and would be training for BMO in a regular basis

And now the not so good news

- An accident occur to my School of prawns. Apparently the new grass pad I bought contains some anti-snail solution. They all had seizure and with my best attempt at saving them prove futile, I hate to say it but I killed them all.

- I was involved in a car accident yesterday. A MPV reversed into my car and with my BEST effort of horning him prove futile, I regret to say that My dad's price procession is left with scratches and a dent. Now I hope the other party would be casual in settling this and avoid me having to make an insurance claim.

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