Jun 25, 2007

about 10 years ago

Some of you probably knew, but a larger group wont know about this. A very long time ago, I was a skinner. And no this does not mean I am skinny (though at that time I was). It simply means I designed skins for applications.

I designed largely for a windows replacement application popularly known as windowblinds. It was created by a great programmer Neil Banfield who gotten the attention of Stardock. And before long, he is recruited by them for his sole creation.

Back then in my skinning days, I was known as decoderx. its a simple nick I gave myself which strangely lead others to think i was a hacker. anyway.... I enjoyed skinning and though I only release my better designs there are a larger number which I kept hidden. These would never see the internet daylight.

Looking at the current bunch of skinners, I must admit the community did grow a fair bit. The designs are awesome and it really captures the concept of skinning freely. I do admit there are many times, I wish I could go back and design them once more. But I am afraid the time has passed for me.

Cant believe how one of my designs ended up top 10 in the First skinning competition back then too.

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