Jun 21, 2007

i a leftie

Kinda strain my right arm while playing BMO today. (Ps BMO is otherwise known as badminton)

It has been a long while since I last played. Largely miss out due to work commitments. And would be missing another good session next wednesday, as they would be throwing me out at sea once more.

As it has been almost a month since i held the racquet (yes I spell it this way) I could barely perform today. Been missing shots and returning my strokes off target. Not to mention I fail to smash properly as well.

As a result, my right arm is aching all over when the game ended. Imagine going for dinner after that and struggling to hold the chopsticks. Indeed, its strange that I am typing on my keyboard.

Anyway I think I would be a leftie for tomorrow. Should be able to get away with most of my stuffs, except brushing me teeth of course.

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