Jun 8, 2007

cant believe i am 66

Just a year ago, I was a flabby 75kg. Yet all so happy with my weight.
I could eat what I want and pretty much enjoy stuffing myself.

that all changed when I realised I can barely run and doing sport is a killer.

So a regime of weekly runs and badminton got me to stablise at 71-ish.
I pretty much still eat the same amount but yep it get burn off easily.

Till a couple months ago, I lost my beloved granny.
I din know how much it affected me till I found that all my pants doesnt fit no more.

Then after weighting myself last week, I found the dismay. I am 66.
A weight I have not been since my pre-NS days some 7 years ago.

No more tummy, no more ability to stuff myself, no more supper with prata.
This is scary.

Please guys. Help me.

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