Sep 11, 2007

almost 2 years

Was checking back on my blog on the day i went for an interview for this job.

Cant believe that I walked in 2 years back and met my boss then.

Its amazing how time flies and how much changes has been around. Plenty of my seniors left till I am the most senior now.

Just a month more and I would have celebrated my 2 years of adulthood. Its at that point 2 years back when I told myself that I would decide if I should stay or go.

The draw for me to leave is ever so strong. There is even more reason lately that prompt me to make my move sooner than later. However, I have decided to hang on a while more, for I am binded by Loyalty.

My boss has treated me well this past 2 years. I knew that this is the busiest period of the project as well and me leaving would cause a big stir. So I have decided to hold on till the project is winding down before considering again.

Would relook at this in April.

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