Nov 27, 2007

4 more years

I recently been offered an extension to my contract.

The strange thing is that I had a whole year left and am surprise to get this extension so soon. It makes me a little wary about the whole situation. Are they intending to promote me or raise my paycheck for fear that I would be leaving soon.

In fact, I din care about this whole issue. I am pretty happy where I am now and to be frank, I believe I am the only person working here who has no idea how much salary I am drawing each month. Yep. I am that bochup.

So I view this whole contract extension with little anticipation but with a slight curiousity. I went up and met the manager. She show me the T&C. It pretty much look the same as before.

And yes there is no "additional benefits"

So anyhow, I put pen to paper and extend my stay here for 4 more years.

For those who wonder why I made such a moove. My gut feeling tells me that 2008 would be a bad year. So hang on to your jobs if you have one. And for those still looking for a dream job, my strong advise is to find an acceptable one soon. Before you have none at all.

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