Mar 4, 2008

moving the fish

I was told that my office would be moved in April. Excited was not the feeling I felt. But rather the heavy weight of the heart. After all it has been 2 years since I first planted my flag at this spot.

A nice spot located next to the door, with my back facing a wall and a small gap for entry. It was one of the better spot where there are sufficient privacy and plenty of legroom. Most of all, its where I placed my 30 liter fish tank.

The moving would be a pain. I have to pack up all the items by end March as would not be around for most of April. Till now, I have no idea how would I get about to move this tank of mine. It weights close to 50kg and though I could technically lift it, its impossible to do much more as the water within would definitely spill. I might even dropped this tank.

The only way around this would be to immigrant the little ones all onto a smaller home, while I empty the tank water. With the tank lighten, I could easily move this vessel to its new spot and from there slowly relocated my babies.

Now comes to the other thing, I wont be around when this moving occurs. Though I could trouble my colleagues, I rather not. So comes to the question, should I teleport my tank home???

oh help me

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