Aug 23, 2009

The knock

21 Aug 2009 was a day to remember for me.

Interestingly, I had collected my new IC the very morning. I din expect to use it so soon after.

At about 11.20pm, I was crossing the road to hope on the bus home. It was at a cross junction and what I din expect was to see a red car turning right and dashing ahead without stopping. The next thing I knew was that I felt pain and ended up lying on the floor.

My post analysis of what happen was that the car hit me on my right with the bumper touching my right knee. Immediately I was thrown to the car with my right temple hitting the windscreen. This is then follow by me rolling off to the side of the car and onto the road. At this stage, I probably landed on my left side which severely injured my left shoulder and another knock on the back of my left side of my head.

Several passerby stopped and assisted me. This includes the driver who has ran into me. I was in a dazed stage and could not respond much. My first proper response interestingly was to look for Aileen to call my loved ones. Aileen was not found. I asked frantically and a kind soul found her lying not far away. She had scratches and her face was in a mess.

The ambulance came soon after. (apparently they were on their way to somewhere else but just cant leave me there) And I was transported to Changi Hospital. The doctor examined me and found that aside from being badly bruised and cut up, I was otherwise fine. There were no serious head injuries or neck pains. My back having been shielded with a backpack had averted any injuries. My knee was fine despite the knock. Only my shoulder which I complained of a sharp pain, was send for an X-ray. And that turn out fine too.

The driver was rather sorry about his act. He was no doubt on his way home and though he normally would have check for pedestrian, he missed me somehow.

Its been 2 days after that fateful night. My bruises are still painful though the abrasion have mostly dried up. The pain on my left shoulder has restricted my arm from exerting any strength and can barely lift to a height above my head. But I believe this pain would ease in the coming days.

The Traffic police called and I am to make a sentence with them soon. I would be fair in my statement, after all I had accepted his apologies and would just want to close the chapter of this issue.

For now, I would try to rest as much as I could and take things easy.

Thanks for all your concern. I know some of you guys are worried for me when I din said about this the moment it happen. Well I needed some time to rest and recover. Din want to let the whole world know about it as yet. Kinda felt blessed to having so many friends out there.

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