Aug 16, 2010

fitness regime

I have been keeping a regular fitness regime. Its not strict but I do get the guilt feeling when I skip a session or more.

My regular week consist of 2 gym sessions that are mostly weights training. In addition, I ran twice a week. Ranging from 2.4 to 4km given my mood. I also played badminton if the courts are available.

Now all this workouts did not come easy. Time is a factor that I am finding hard to come by. And what drives me on was that after each session, I realise that my stress has been burnt away.

Couple of years back, I am really unfit. I get breathless easily and would shudder at the thought of running for my IPPT. Strangely now I look forward to signing up for yearly marathons. These group runs are like a milestone for me. Gives me the satisfaction to know that I am fit enough to complete the distance.

And I do know some of my closer frens are irritated by me. Been asking them to run with me in it, though without much success. Last year bday wish of running a marathon with my close pals din quite work out as I would have like.

Nevertheless, I would keep up my nagging and hopefully the bigger ones would be keen to run with me some day

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