Dec 14, 2004

4 levels of drinking

In effect there is only 4 levels one can get while drinking (alcohol)

1. Buzz
Normally occurs after one just started drinking.
Does not feel much difference from the normal self
Reasoning still effective yet
there is this slight tendency to doubt oneself

2. Tipsy
Occus right after Buzz.
Drinker will start to talk loudly to his/her companion.
Logical part diminishing, emotional state comes in.
Tendency to whine about ones love life, sex life, feeling, etc
Conscious mind exist and is pretty much aware of wtf is going on.
Tired in the morning.

3. Drunk

The state where logical reasoning no longer exist.
Drinker will tend to talk alot to his/her companion.
But to the undrunk user, his words make no sense.
At times, the spoken language is only understood by someone who is also drunk.
Conscious mind still exist and would recall the events,
but the action and talk could no longer be control.
Mild headache in the morning.

4. Swashhhhs
Totally dead to the surrounding
Drinker has no idea how much they drunk, where are they, where they are going.
At times no idea who they are even. There is a strong tendency to fall asleep
if not puke uncontrollably.
Strong likely to wake up unaware what happen last night and how did time happen
to speed up and slow down. Serious headache, dehydration would occur.

Please try not to drink too much this festive season
hick hick

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