Dec 29, 2004

My little sis

Limbs and limbs arrived on the table in the morning.

BLM looking happy, took me to the workshop in the afternoon. Before long I got my left side back. It has been a long while since I could stand on all 4s.

Anyway I am super excited. BLM assembled my first sibling. Its a girl. With lovely purple horns instead of my gold color ones. She would be know as Liz.

Oh and she weights a hell lot lighter too. When I was borned I weight 1040 grams. Then BLM added on the other stuffs and that made me 1450 grams. After he redesigned my legs I shrink to 1300 grams. But get this my sis , Liz, weights just 780grams at birth.


I promised photos tomorrow.

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