Mar 30, 2005

Cuiwen I love you 2

This is hot. HOT HOT HOT News.
In one of the first year engineering math module, a guy proposed to a girl he likes with the help of the math lecturer. He has guts. and you know what thats pretty clever move too.

And the best part is.... this is all captured on NUS webcast.

For those NUS students who happen to be reading this.
1. Go to IVLE and log in.
2. Click on search on the top right hand corner
3. In the module code enter MA1506 and click search
4. Scroll down and click on 3rd link from bottom titled "multimedia"
5. A hint will say something like "webcast lecture"
6. It will load a new page, click on the lecture marked for 28th march
7. This will load the webcast video
8. Drag the timeline until the 57mins.
9. Enjoy the video of the "boy meets girl"

lets hope boy gets girl. Otherwise now that we all know her name, we might all want to get to know her as well.

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