Mar 11, 2005

Exhibition tomorrow

For those wondering, yes being in a high profile project has its pros and cons. The pros, good media coverage that ensures that you will be in every magazine and posters. The cons, the time wasted on being in every media coverage.

My makers were told to set up the display booth today at 5pm. Needless to say they din bother even trying. They played games instead. Anyhow early tomorrow, I will be placed at a booth outside LT7A. Yes lots and lots of ppl will come to see me and pat me on me head. yucks.

My makers who have law till 2pm will be stationing themselves there from 2pm onwards. I could hear them cursing and swearing now. They will have to stay there till 7pm. What a horrible day.

Not to forget, next friday they have to face a room filled with smelly army people (80-100) and sell them the idea of robotics replacing humans. I could see a whole room of officier laughing away.

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