Mar 27, 2005

Page 50

Its a milestone. BLM has hit page 50th of this thesis. This is by no means an easy task. He has to thanks his kanojyo for that.

He decided to celebrate by having a proper dinner. For the past 3 days he has been fasting as its the Easter weekend. With the lack of strength and 15 hours clocked typing 6000+ words and 25 odd pages of it. He knows he need a little break and rest.

However, he can never rest for long. He never did rest much anyway. For he counted he has to fill up a remaining 10+-+- sections. He hope to get it done by tomorrow. Ohh how that would be amusing. For he is way pass the bonkers stage and now acting like a mad monkey.

Very soon he will have to put in a cage. and throw away the key.

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