Mar 6, 2005

Early romance

Still on the visit of his grannies, BLM's cutest little cousin (who happens to be fat as well) was seen happily smsing the whole day. When asked if he could take a look at his phone. The pot belly 10 yr old annoying rejected.

It does seem that all 10 yrs old or younger carries a phone these day. tsk tsk

Anyway, the smsing carried on till late at night. Fustracted, BLM and another cousin grabbed hold of this little piggy and made him surrender his mobile. He was not willing but with ample tickling anything could happen.

Looking into it were msg which has the following mushy stuffs "i love u" "miss you" "dear what time you coming home". BLM cant help but laughed. The poor kid's older sister even commented that he switches gf ever year.

There must be something this little boy wonder did right where all the moddle-aged old man could learned from. No doubt BLM admired his little cousin much more now.

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