Apr 4, 2005

remote controller done

Well BLM slaved the whole day today. He came in early and at once started work finishing the remote controller. He could have completed it a little earlier had it not been for TSM who took the circuit board home and was MIA till 2pm.

Anyway, BLM worked till 5pm before completing it all. As he power it on, the LCD was not working. Starting to panic he re-checked everything and found them to be in order. Its probably due to the specifications of the 4 bar LCD is not the same as the 1 bar LCD. Or it could be that the software written for it is not optimise for 4 bars yet...

In any cases, BLM is taking a 2 days break. He needed it after spending 8 straight days in school. Also, he needs the time to do something they call "study". Not to mention he is suffering from slight flu. Damn the cold weather.

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