Apr 18, 2005

Social expectation vs doing it your way

For months now, BLM has been regularly engaging in debates with the Masters and PHD students working in the lab. The following is what he has established.

1. PHD and Masters qualification = big money
2. Must get married before 30
3. Get a 4-room HDB house 2 years into marriage
4. Have 1-2 kids

BLM cant help but felt disgusted by all this. This is what a government path to a decent livelihood looks like. Its becoming a social norm as everybody is aiming to do the same. Stepping out of this path would make you a renegade, a "risk taker" or just a werido. (Its strange to note that everyone belives he is above average as well)

Needless to say, the debates which happened between them were quite heated at times. This is largely due to BLM belief that good qualification does not necessary entitled one to a better life. The education path which singapore stand by, produces excellent students. Students who would be allowed to be directed by their educators to succeed a certain mindset of success. By this mindset, studying hard and doing well will get you a good paying job, therefore success is guarantee.....

Well BLM does not believe in all these. For one thing, the education path produces good employees not employers. (ok the good employee is debatable... but lets leave out the moral and entical issues and just focus on the working performance) BLM wanted a businese of his own. By doing so, he will become this renegade...

By deciding to be his own employer, he became a joke to the rest. But this will not keep it from continue his dream, instead if anything it just makes him more firm in his beliefs.

Well its a long long story and to cut it short, the moral of the story is follow your dreams and decide on your own path, dont let others tell you otherwise.

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