Apr 7, 2005

Transformers: the movie (live action)

The news is too good to be true. After some rumours which started early last year about the movie, it has been a quiet for the past few months. Many said that its just unfound lies. But all the true fans worldwide held their breadth in hope of THAT DAY.

Well its been confirmed a release date late next year. Which would mean they ought to start work on it immediately. Considering that starwars took 3 years to produce. I wonder how good is a 1.5 year production. Yes yes, a normal plain romatic movie will probably take 9 months to wrap up.... Director Jack Neo is known for his speed in local productions which are compressed within 6 mths.

But hey Transformers is sure to be filled with special effects no less... Unless of course a bunch of car manufacturers can team up and create the real things... Now that will be a movie that will knock LOTR from the No. 1 spot.

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