Sep 11, 2005

Disappointed by F15

For the longest time we have know, Singapore spent many years fussing over a new aircraft to replace the A4 Skyhawks. In that period of time, the A4 went through several more mods, many change-of-commands parade pass and more technology grew out of date.

2 years back, my close fren and I sneaked into the asian aerospace show. Sitting there were 3 finalists. The Rafale came in all its glory and perform some great aerobatics display. They even put a working model for us to photograph with. The F15s were just parked next to it. It has a towering size which makes the agile rafale looks small. However, there wont any aero display of its capability. Eurofighter tycoon was the only aircraft that was not around. Apparently it never flew out of Europe before and wont be making an exception. It has the best features of all 3 and naturally was the more promising choice. They did put up a booth with giant screens showcasing its flying abilities.

Perhaps presentation meant alot that day. I vaguely even remember the F15s werent in the original selection but have been slotted into replaced the sales of the F18s. Looking back, I told my friend that it makes little sense to buy an older model having already gotten the F16 for ages, though both aircrafts are meant for different roles.

Analysing, the plus points of getting from Boeing another make of its fighter would be the ability to share tools and fittings, the reduction of time in training program conversion, the familiarity of its handling and so on.

However, the major bad point would be trusting a single american company with all our fighters. There would be lack of control over weapons, system upgrades and so on since Boeing wont be treatened by the rest.

Sighs, I guess I wont be winding so much if we have bought the good old F14 tomcat. That bird is an icon! A Topgun Icon that is.

PS. The rafale reminds me of Macross

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