Sep 20, 2005

What would you do to impress on your first date?

I had this conversation with watashi no kanojyo.
And she wonders what would I do to impress during my first date.

I simply said that I would bring her to a special restaurant.
This restaurant would be located at a wonderful location,
hidden from many but known to only a few.

My form of impressing a girl is rather straight forward,
yet might sound complex to many.
I would rather impress her by bringing her to places I like,
than to bring her to places she likes.

Why so?

The simple reason is because you want to impress her
you can only do so if its in your turf and not hers.
Imagine bringing her to do something she likes,
and you realised you know nuts about that places
or what to do there.

What an idiot you might be seen.
However, if you bring her to a place
where is something you are good at (your turf)
hopefully its something she aint familiar with
so it will be "cool" to help her adapt to her new environment.

For those wondering why I said restaurant....
well its becos I am a foodie.
I live to eat, eat to live.

Oh and I would choose Little India of course

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