Aug 1, 2007

news from the tank

There is hardly any news for my tank for a while now.

The fishies are happy, their 2 new offsprings are happily swimming with them. (minus 1 who was murder by a crayfish earlier)

However my yellow sucker died for a while now and I have began to value its existence. Apparently my tank walls were infested by green moss that wont go away. I have used a toothbrush to regularly scrub it but it would happily return the next day. Alas I knew I have to get a new sucker. (see pic below). This new chap bought yesterday has so already began its work. The walls are starting to look alot better now. And since it cost 70 cents, I have decided to replace it whenever it dies.... bwhahahaha.

Oh I also bought more cherry shrimps for myself. 10 to be exact. I guess I likely reddish, orangish and yellowish creature in my tank.

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