Aug 19, 2007

Too many grannies in heaven

Just learn that my dear cousin has lost his granny. Its perhaps quite hard breaking for him as not too long before, we lost ours.

Sighs. I had met up with him a couple of days back. Its been awhile since we sat down for dinner and enjoyed a long chat. While driving around looking for food, we were deciding where to eat. I thought of having some peranakan food since its our heritage. Its then he mention that he doesnt trust anyone else who can cook the Buah Keluak as Mama did.

Hearing this saddens me. Cos I am always reminded that Mama loves us through the way she cooks for us. Each dish is uniquely catered to our taste buds. We shared a quiet moment before deciding that we would just have Jap instead.

Seem like we have too many grannies in heaven. We are running out of grannies, dont take them away any more.

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