May 22, 2008

CRS=Crystal Red Shrimps

When I first started my fishy business, I had planned to keep this gorgeous shrimps. They are knows as the CRS or Crystal Red Shrimps. However, the cost of owning them is crazy. For a full grown adult, the price would range from $10 to $28 depending on the grade.

Which is why I postponed my plans indefinitely and settle for a community tank with fishes and cherry shrimps.

Sadly, I miss having a nice tank in the office. Which is why yesterday, I made a haste decision and gotten a tiny tank (1 ltr). I also bought 5 baby shrimps at $2 each as my first investment.

In a way, I am so glad I din get them from the start. They are not really tough creatures about to withstand a variety of living conditions. With my experience now (and having lost like $30 in my other fishes and prawns) I do hope that this little fellows would grow up to be wonderful adults.

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