Feb 2, 2009

to be 30

I get this remark from my mom a couple of years back. She said to me when I was 26, that when she was my age, she was already carrying me.

and it gets better.

Throughout the CNY along with a younger cousin's wedding a week before that. I have been bombard by questions from my worrying aunts on my possible future.

"Boy ah, you not getting any younger."

"Should settle down soon."

"Dont wait too long."

And to top it off, my younger cousin presented me an ang pao even though she is only married for 1 week.

Well I know that I am not getting any younger. Secretly wishing I have the powers of Benjamin Button (opening this week). But life is not all about finding the one, settling down and having kids.

I am comfortable with where I am now. I have worked for 3 years on the same job. It gives me chances to seen parts of Europe. And yet there are still plenty more I wish to do. (ok lets not drag this part)

And when it comes to finding the right one, this is not the simplest task. Its not like I would stop at a Vietnamese Bridal shop and pick a SYT to be my wife.

In fact, I have seen too many cases of friends who tie the knot, only to find out that they are not suitable. Perhaps they were too into the thought of the wedding that they do not foresee the married life.

Anyway, there is a time and place for everything. And I know for myself when this would be. It may take a while, or it could happen the very next week. But nevertheless I would know when it is the time for a change.

Till then, I would just hope to enjoy watching Brad Pitt grew younger.

For those who born in 1979

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