May 18, 2009

Blading down the ECP (again)

Well I did this many time now... but lately, I been blading a little more consistently.

Previously it would be slightly more than a month each time I put on those blades. Today however was the 3rd time in 10 days. I decided if I were to master these wheelers, I must practice more.

This time round, I pop by at night time. As I hurried to put on my blade, I set a goal to reach Mac and back within an hour. As it turns out, I probably did it in 45 mins. This was the fastest I ever bladed.

I am grateful for the lack of traffic and the cooling breeze. It makes the effort less and the rhythms better.

However I do must practice on braking.

Oh and there is this one car that kinda park in a funny way. It makes me feel like.....

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