Apr 30, 2010

The Barista

Coffee has always a big part of making my day go well. Its something I cant deny that I need on a regular basis to perform.

As far back as I can recall, the very first coffee I sipped was made by my mom. I was just 10 then. I asked for a sip and my mom had this impression I would hate it. She was wrong.

Soon in my teenage years, coffee drinking became a social event. Starbuck and its like spurn up cafe joints all over. Everyone started to visit a cafe and spend their time chatting away. And yes, students came along too. Each taking up 1 table and 3 chairs to mug away for their endless exams. I recall, ice coffee or ice blended ones are the craze then.

Years later on my France travel, I was initially turned off by what the French offered. A small cup that contains a concentration of coffee in it. Its like 1 long sip and you are done. Where is the social interaction that comes with it? Where is the slow enjoyment of the brew?

And what is this nespresso?

It din take long after that that I became a coffee snob. I drink nothing but espresso (with sugar). I would encourage all that this is the only way you could enjoy the taste (not to mention the buzz).

Nowadays I am more catered to everyone taste. With Nessie sitting at my desk, I opened my own cafe joint. Anyone is welcome to come for a cup of cafe at any way they like it.

I can do latte, mocha, espresso, long black and macchiato. Just bring your cup.

PS. I would like to try ice blend, but hmmm a blender. Thats like a noisy machine.

(interesting facts)

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