Apr 17, 2010

Proud of my school

I seldom say this, but I am sure am proud of my Secondary School.

Despite the over the top media coverage and the unfair reporting that has been overshadowing bigger events (ie. the darn volcano that is keeping my girl stranded), I know that our boys are viewed in a bad light.

Its strange to say this, but even the adults are behaving like kids.

But the truth is far from this. If I am to say it out here, I might never get the chance to keep this space around. In any case, in all that is fair and just, I would hope that both parties take a step back from this and look at themselves.

Its no doubt an offense to start a fight. An apology was offered and it seems that no one is keen to move forward with this. So what the next step? Should we start a civil suit and bring this up to the high court? Or should we just let bygones be bygones and let this issue rest?

And I do hope the papers would stop fanning the flame. Tons of worthy news out there and you have to put this on the front page. Shame on you. I am quite sure when the election campaign has started, you would once again up to your old games once more.

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