Jun 22, 2005

Fireflies garden

I saw this on channelnewsasia a couple of hours ago. Visiting their online site I cant seem to find this information anywhere.... sheesh

Anyway, in Japan (land of pokemon and gozilla) comes a unique mini garden that looks to me like a overgrown flower pot. In this mini garden which is totally portable, is the home of hundreds of fireflies.

When I saw it, I am fascinated by the sheer simplicity of the concept yet captivated by the idea of having live fireflies living in a small part of your home/office. Its makes a hell of a great display too.

Since I probably cant afford the hefty price tag, I m wondering to meself if I should try to designing a super mini one in my room. And then reality hits me when I noticed in singapore I will attrached only mosquitoes, spiders and flies. Ecksss.

Anyone out there seen the CNA report??? Could you find me that link?

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