Jun 17, 2005

I like Lost

This new series is fast becoming my new favorite. How cool is it to watch Survivor with cast who are actually actors. It beats watching the original version where emotions are faked by actual untrained people. ecks.

I still love CSI more, its one of the few shows that makes engineering looks cool. The whole idea of making discoveries in the lab, with the endless zooming to microscopic lever and the slow motion recap of explosion or blood piercing. Just awesome man. Other than that, I cant imagine what shows are there which glamorize engineering.

Hmm let me think.... There was Ally Mcbeal, the Practise, etc which makes lawyers cool, there was ER, Chicago Hope which makes doctors cool, there was NYPD, Baywatch which makes civil services cool... But for a long time now what do engineers get??? Remember the lone gunman? Yes cool huh??? you got to be kidding me. Real engineers dun look like that (well i hope not)

Dun feel bad my copywriting friends. I am sure one day you will have a show just based on your work. Till then, I would like to fly a plane and crash on some weird islands with lots of cute babes. I hope to be the only surviving guy.

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