Jun 6, 2005

what not to do when you have a headache

during the horrible hot day, i was dehydrated by the cycling and the sun. I was however able to rehydrate myself later, only to be left with a nsty headache for the whole night. i seek to rest and let it smooth off eventually.

however a fren of mine had other plans. he has been carrying ard suprlyn (acnt remember how to spell) it contains multiple vitamins and minerals and would replenish my lost of salt and water. However it is a booster as well and when I was forced to drink it at 11pm, I could not sleep at all. I was tired beyond imagine but thanks to it, I cant sleep one bit. Not to forget, it did nothing to help my headahce.

so, i ended up with a nasty headache and not being able to sleep. what a torture it has been. only after 3-4 agonising hours did i decide to find some panadols. kopiwriter was there to save me and thanks to him the pain was gone in 30 mins.

lesson learnt. dun experiment on drugs, say NO even when you are forced to take it.

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