Aug 20, 2006

Belgian food

Long time ago a great bud of mine introduced to me to Belgian food and beer. We had a pot of Mussels (with lots of blue cheese inside) and endless portions of beer. It was a great night out and I do hope to revisit the place with him again. BTW it was in Sydney.

Fast forward to a year. My colleagues and I visited a Belgian place in Singapore. The website shows much promise. I even picked the beers I intend to sip before arriving. However it just not the same. Food wise I think it able to satisfy but not meet my expectation. Beer wise the selection holds about 20 beers. Plenty for a Singaporean place but pales in comparison to a proper Belgian place. I was hoping to sip on Lucifier again, but they din have it. Ended up getting Pauwel kwek and duvel, which taste miles better than Tiger.

Now to plan a trip to Sydney sometime soon

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