Aug 12, 2006

Dinner at Sunset once more

Just 2 days after I visited Sunset and gotten a massive gastric attack. I am back here again. This time with my fellow colleagues. You probably wonder why I was back here again. Well after telling one of them that I was beaten by a level 5 chicken wing, he was keen to beat that challenge.

Anyhow they (excluding me and another) order half a dozen of level 6. When it arrived the strong smell of spices strike fear in some of them. They thought I was kidding right up to that point. Still they gladly excepted the challenge.

The result? 2 Girls were virtually red, 1 guy speechless for a long while, another ate it with his steak to spread the flames but regreted (the whole thing taste the same) and the organiser was sweating all over and downing endless cup of water. In fact only 1 guy came out without any virtual sign of pain. Amazing!

You can buy the Level 1 sause there!!!

Strangely the 2 married couples decided to taupao some level 3 back for their partners. Well you know its a wedding vow thing. Anyhow, we didnt really see the sunset. It was a cloudy day probably contributed by the haze.

Oh I din realised there is a scarecrow there

PS. I got a feeling I will be back here soon again.

PSS. Saw a note at the urinal, advising to wash hands before using the loo! Must have been another victim

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