Aug 16, 2006

Superglue aint funny

We all do silly thing, right?

Just yesterday, I was literally pouring out a large portion of superglue onto a corkboard. (Yes real man used superglue and not whimpy doublesided tapes!) Was attempting to stick the corkboard onto the darn cubicle wall which is too thin to push a pin through (hence explain the purpose of the corkboard) and also made of aluminium (damn thing also not magnetic).

Unfortunately, whenever I come across superglue there is a good likelihood I will screw up somehow/someway. Sooooo, it started with my thumb ends up covered with a layer of the glue. Ran to the loo to try to wash it off. And as I ran there, the motion and wind causes it to dry even faster. Oh and water doesnt help when the glue already hardens....

As I came back cursing and swearing with a thumb that cant feel anything, I saw my little old mouse has a little glue stain on it. Upon closer inspection, the left click button is now firmly glue UP. I cant click my mouse at all.

Only after some effort with a penknife, did I managed to get the button to work again. But it aint the same no more, damn button is now stiff. Sighs.

PS. penknife can also help remove glue from thumb

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