Aug 6, 2006

social work

I been hesitating to write this, but perhaps I should.

I am been serving my good old scout troop for many years now. Rose from a member to be a leader. A long path which involves many years of fun, sweat and tears. There were many ups and downs, but throughout the time I enjoyed it much. I sorta consider this as a social services.

Now social services has different meaning to different people. Some consider it offering services when/where needed. Some consider it giving back to society from what it has given to them. In any case, both involves giving. And for me the reason is the latter.

Unfortunately time has caught up with me greatly. I am no longer able to perform my job with the same dedication as before. I was never one to consider myself too old for the job. In fact, i know i could pull off this task for at least 2 more years. However time is not on my side. Having been tied down by plenty of work commitments. I lacked the energy to be carried on much further.

Thus, I am considering if I should remove myself from an active role, into a non-active position. I would decide by year end.

PS: A bunch of Sec 4s "graduated" from scouting recently. I knew them since they were Pri 4. 7 Years is a long time.

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