Dec 7, 2007

New pump and burnt finger

I would first like to draw your attention to my brand new pump.

I got this baby (which is about twice the size of my old pump) has I accidentally broke the old pump while cleaning it. As you probably wont be able to see, the tube has a crack. Silly me.

And this new baby works wonders. It is able to pump 2 times faster, allowing my tank to circulate much better. I bet my fishes would all loose abit of weight now that they have to swim faster.

In an old news, this is the current state of my finger. Its looks like raw meat, smells like raw meat, I wonder if it would taste like...

Anyway, it has like 2-3 ulcer at the center and hurt when touch. A funny friend of mine ask if I had stick it up somewhere. Very funny Martin!

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