Jan 13, 2008

clear waters

ok this is a little delay. well i do work at times and thus you cant expect me to do my tank all day. Anyway here the water is still a little yellowish due to the weeks of neglect.

It would take a few more water change to get it back to crystal clear and I am in no hurry. After all, I should change it to drastically as it might stress the wild life....

Here is a close up of the tank. I added some red tall plants in the background. Sadly no pic for them as I have yet to determine what species they are.

Also I dump 40cents load of worms into my tank. Its a hell lot of worms and its so much that my fishes actually stop eating them... can you believe that.

Not to forget, I am bought a new corydoras. its a slightly different species and I hope it can get along with the other. The first corydoras gotten quite lonely since its partner died.

Speaking of death, I lost 3 prawns due to changing the gravel. They were frighten by the event and refused to eat. Death follow soon after. I do wonder if I had accidentally kill their kids too. At the moment I cant find any. Only time will tell.

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