Dec 23, 2008

Christmas carols

Just the other day, I was sitting in JY's car, leaving Ian's place, after a hearty dinner meal which NDR treated us, I heard an old song. It was a love song played on the local radio, sung by four grown men which the MV gradually show them kneeling down towards the end of it.

Anyhow, that song brought a sense of nostalgia. A lovely one from over 10 years ago. I could remember myself standing there in my good old Primary School Hall. I could recall the guys all behaving a little louder than usual. I could imagine the girls dreading the never ending shyness we really are.

The year was 1993 and I was a mere 14 year old boy attending my first Christmas Caroling session with my Scouts and the charming girl guides from St Hilda's. It was my first Christmas carol and I could not attend the year before with St Margaret as I was infested with chicken pox. A nasty time then.

I too was a shy skinny boy. I vividly recall my patrol then had 3 girls. We took a while to warm up to each other and before long could easily chat endlessly. (I supposed being in a boy school does make us look like bad)

Thinking back, I am amused as I recollect and uncovered such distance memories. There was a girl in my patrol whom now I struggle to remember her name. She was among the cutest then and I did had a crush on her.

There was also 2 other girls whom I was chatty with and they both gave me a card each at the end of our meetings. One of them had a serious crush on me then and I too cant remember her name or even how she looks like.

Ok I should probably stop here as I know I could go on....

With the festive time of the year upon us once more, I do hope we all would find joy and happiness with our loved ones. Its a time of giving and receiving. A time to share and recollect.

To the 2 girls whom I have forgotten your names, I doubt you would read this entry but I dedicate this song to you whom inspire meto write about this entry.

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